Friday, May 31, 2013

Week 3 Day 5 (Abs)

Okay, before we start our workout... here's a random little update on what's going on in my neck of the woods.. Last night, when I got back to Glenwood, I could not make it over the mountain to my house because there was a GINORMOUS tree in the middle of the road and my poor little car would never make it over a tree. So, dad came and helped me cut the branches off the tree. He used his chainsaw to cut branches and I drug them off the mountain. I came home with cuts, bruises, and mud ALL OVER ME! Oh, and I did all of this in sandals and a DRESS! I'm THAT girl... 

Then, when I woke up this morning, the river was super high and nasty looking!!

But, Sacha and I went for a run anyway! Rain or Shine.. we are out there at 6:30AM.
(Poor Alyssa is sick today! I hope she gets to feeling better soon)

Today we did ABS!!!

Exercise 1: Plank
We did 3 sets of 1 minute planks. It was rough. But, it'll be well worth it.

Exercise 2: Flutter Kicks
Lay on back, legs slightly off the floor, alternate kicking legs up and back down.
Do 3 sets of 20 flutter kicks.

Exercise 3: Partner Leg Lifts
Try not to let your legs hit the ground.
We did 3 sets.
Set 1: 1min
Set 2: 30 secs
Set 3: 15 secs

Exercise 4: Bicycle Crunches
We did 3 sets of 40 bicycle crunches.

Exercise 5: Push Ups
We did 3 sets of 10 push ups.

Exercise 6: Backward Crunches
Lay on back, legs bent at 90 degrees, lift booty and legs up and back down.
Do 3 sets of 20 crunches

Exercise 7:  Burpees
We did 3 sets of 5 Burpees.

Exercise 8: Standing Side Crunches
Stand with one hand on hip, other above head, lean to the opposite side to stretch the side muscles and then bring elbow to knee. 
Do 3 sets of 10 crunches per side

Exercise 9:  Tricep Dips
Use something sturdy and dip your body to the ground.
Do 3 sets of 20 dips.

Exercise 10: Arm Circles
Keep your arms at T position.
Make circles forward for 30 seconds and backward for 30 seconds
Do 3 sets per side.

And that's all the exercises we did today!
We focused mainly on abs but incorporated some arm exercises as well.

After our exercises I made breakfast for me, mom, and Sacha. I made eggs with feta, tomatoes, and onions. It was super yummy!
Annnnnd, I drank some coffee out of my I love NY mug. 
I miss New York sometimes.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Week 3 Day 4 (Arms and Legs)

I really feel like eventually getting up at 6:15 in the AM won't be so bad.. But, I haven't gotten to that point in my life yet! I'm still dragging myself out of bed every morning because I know if I don't, I will be letting Sacha and Alyssa down.

Sacha has decided to start running with Alyssa and I outside. So, we've turned it into some type of competition. We race from one spot to the other and it actually makes our run a lot more fun!
This morning when we woke up for our run, the storm clouds started rolling in. It sprinkled on us just a little bit. But, it wasn't too bad!

Today we did a little mix up! Sacha did Legs and Alyssa focused more on Arms.

Here are the exercises Sacha and I did:
Exercise 1: Lunges
We did 3 sets of 20 lunges.

Exercise 2: Push Ups
We did 3 sets of 5 again today.

Exercise 3: Squats

We did 3 sets of 10 squats.

Exercise 4: Donkey Kicks

We did 3 sets of 10 kicks per leg.

Exercise 5: Sideways Scissors
Lay on back, legs up to the ceiling and spread to a V. Bring legs together and cross at ankles and then bring them back out. We did 3 sets of 20.

Exercise 6: Burpees
We did 3 sets of 5 Burpees.

Exercise 7: Wall Sits
We did 3 sets for 30 seconds each.

And that's it!!! :)
Remember to keep doing cardio before you workout. And don't forget to stretch!
I'm so proud of you for sticking to it :)

Ohhhh, and poor Momma is still not feeling too hot! I hope she gets well soon!!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Week 3 Day 3 (Abs)

Alyssa, Sacha, and I woke up at the crack of dawn to go for our morning run! It's still pretty nice outside at 6:30 in the AM.

{Report on Mom} 
She is still hurting pretty bad and not feeling too great. 
The doctor gave her some steroids to help with her back
 and she is to take it easy for a while.
So, she will be throwing in the towel for the 
next week or so-- Doctor's Orders! :(

Anyway, the 3 of us decided we would workout outside today so we wouldn't get in Mom's way too much. It was actually pretty nice. Our view was absolutely wonderful.

We watched the sun come up over the river! --Totally worth it!

Today was Ab Day

Exercise 1: Backward Crunches

Lay on back, legs up at 90 degrees, arms by sides. Bring booty and legs up and back down. 
Do 3 Sets of 20.

Exercise 2: Burpees
Jump down putting your hands on the floor, kick legs back behind into the push up position. Jump back in toward your hands, and jump up. Do 3 sets of 5.

Exercise 3: V-Ups
Lay on back arms on floor above head. As you bring your legs up to the ceiling, bring arms up toward your legs.
Do 3 sets of 10.

Exercise 4: Russian Twists

Use booty as support, lean back slightly, and lift legs off the floor. Twist your upper body from side to side. Do 3 sets of 30 twists.

Exercise 5: Push Ups
Do 3 sets of 5 push ups. 
(If you can do more per set, feel free to add to them)

Exercise 6: Bicycle Crunches

Lay on back, hands behind head and legs about 6 inches off the ground, bring one knee up to the opposite elbow and rotate.
Do 3 sets of 20.

Exercise 7: Partner Leg Lifts
Either hold on to a partner's legs or grab something sturdy. Bring legs straight up and back down. If using a partner have them push against your legs pretty hard. Do for 35 seconds.

Exercise 8: Tricep Dips

Hold on to something strudy. Dip your body down and back up. Do 3 sets of 20 dips. 
--Tip: The farther out your legs are, the harder it is.

And that's it for today!!!
We focused mainly on our abs. But, we incorporated just a few arm exercises.
Keep working hard and eating a good diet.
Remember: Fruits and Veggies are your friend.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week 3 Day 2 (Rest)

It's Tuesday! Which means Sacha is resting because of the long day ahead. And me, I went for a run. I was going to take mom with me but, she didn't wake up in the best shape!
She has a serious fever and her back is alot worse today.
So, we are heading to the doctor's office soon.
Wish us luck! This always makes me nervous.

Anyway, remember to do something active today. Go for a run or something!
Don't give up. Keep working hard.

Brag Moment: A friend that has been following the program sent me a text this morning. Her message read: Boot camp day 13, I'm down 8 lbs & 7 inches over all.

Wow, I'm proud and VERY excited for her! 
I love hearing about how well the program is going for people!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 3 Day 1 (Legs)

Happy Memorial Day!!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day with family and friends :)

Here is a picture from our Super Fun Family Sunday!

If you find the time today, do something active! Whether its following this exercise program, or going for a swim! Get out and get active! 

This morning mom and I woke up and went for a run (even though her back has been killing her lately!) She has really gone above and beyond to keep up with the program. I'm so proud!! 

Here's a picture from our run this morning! The sky was beautiful.

When we got back from our run, we started by getting caught up on Friday's Oblique workout. Mom has been really busy lately so she hadn't had the chance to catch up yet. But, once we got caught up.. We started Leg Day!

Exercise 1: Lunges.
Do 3 sets of 10 lunges.

Exercise 2: Squats
Do 3 sets of 5 squats.

(We also decided to incorporate arm exercises each day to help build some upper arm strength)

Exercise 3: Arm Circles
Arms at T position. Make small circles with your arms. 30 seconds forward and 30 seconds backward. Do 3 sets.

Exercise 4: Donkey Kicks
On all fours, kick right leg up and back 10 times, and then left leg up and back 10 times. Do 3 sets!

Exercise 5: Wall Sits
Do 3 sets of 30 second wall sits.

Exercise 6: Push Ups
Do 3 sets of 5. (You can do more per set if you want to!)

Exercise 7: Squat Kicks
Stand with feet apart, squat, and as you come up kick one leg up. Alternate legs each time. Do 3 sets of 10(5 per leg).

And that's it!!! Make sure you keep up your clean eating, even during the holidays. It's okay to eat a hot dog for lunch if you and your family are grilling out. But, don't go crazy! Remember, a good diet is VERY important in the weight loss process!! Keep up the good work!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Funday

Happy Sunday Everyone!! :)
It's been such a wonderful morning already. I woke up early and went on my morning run!
The sky was a little scary looking! But, it felt pretty good!

And this precious girl went with me. My sweet Misty gets so excited when we come outside in the mornings. She loves going for a run!

When I got back, I walked in to find momma running on the treadmill. I'm so proud of her! And Sacha played some volleyball.

Then, Jackson and I went to church together!! :)
Isn't he precious? I think so!

Anyway.. It's family time! We are starting to grill and get some activities set up! I may blog again later and update you on our wonderful family time.
Have a lovely day everyone!! :)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Preparing for Week 3!

Day 13 of Ilona's Intense Bootcamp has already begun! As you've probably already noticed, it's Saturday.. Which means its rest day for me and Alyssa. As I'm resting, I'm working hard to plan for next week.
The plans are underway! We've decided to have focus days for legs/booty, abs/obliques, and we will be throwing some arm exercises in each day. We are working on being big(well, little really) and strong before this summer is over!

Sacha and Mom are suppose to be at home doing cardio sometime today.. Guess we'll find out later if they cheated or not! 

And, me.. I'm just conquering the world; One video store at a time!! 

I seriously just love my new top!!! :) I got it from Trendz Clothing Boutique. I feel adorable! Which is important, right? "When you look good, you feel good!" That's what my momma always tells me!

Y'all have a wonderful Saturday! Do something active today! Go for a walk. Swim. Yoga. Something! You're doing great!!! :)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Week 2 Day 5 (Obliques)

I woke up this morning and did NOT want to get up and work out... But, Sacha was waiting on me. So, I had to! 

Mom used her free day today, and will catch up on Obliques tomorrow! 

And Alyssa's car wouldn't start so, she got here just a little later!

We all started with cardio. 
Then, we did standing crunches!
Stand up, feet apart, one hand on hip, one above head and lean to opposite side. Bring elbow down to knee. 
Do this 20 times on each side
3 sets for each side!

Next we did Russian Twists.
Knees bent, lean back just a tad, twist upper body from side to side.
Do this for 30 seconds.
Do 3 sets.

Then, Side Planks!
Lay on side, put hand down, top arm up. Stay in this position for 20 seconds. Then switch sides.
3 sets on each side.

If you can't do them on your hand, support yourself with you elbow, like this:

Next we did Push Ups.
We did 3 sets of 5!

Then we did Mini Donuts.
Legs straight, arms by sides. Make little circles with your legs! 
3 sets for 30 seconds

And last we did Big Donuts.
Which are the same as mini donuts, but you make very big circles with your legs.