Monday, September 9, 2013

Live Fit Day 22

Okay, I have had several people ask that I continue posting on my blog. So, I'll do my best to keep you all updated while I'm in school. It may not happen every day. But, I'll do it as often as possible!

For the past 22 days Sacha and I have gotten up at 6am and followed Jamie Eason's 12 week training program! Many mornings my sweet Jackson has gone with us and pushed us harder than we thought was possible and several afternoons I've gone back and trained my dear friend Beth!

Jamie provides a nutrition plan, supplement list, and workouts for each day!! We have really enjoyed the program so far. If you're interested in joining us check out her program.

She splits her program into 3 sessions. The first 4 weeks we do alot of hardcore weight training. Then the next 4 weeks, we add in cardio. And the last 4 weeks we "finish it all off".

Each day she provides a different workout plan. And for each workout she suggests, she provides a video to help you understand how to do it. Today we did legs. And let me tell you, I'm already feeling it!

That is basically a run through of what we have been doing the past few weeks. Wish us luck and I hope you follow along. Sacha has already lost 5 more pounds. She is down to 127.. Only 7 more pounds to go!!! I'm so proud!!

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