Thursday, September 12, 2013

Live Fit Day 25

Another early morning workout for Sacha and I...

We woke up at 5:45, ate our oatmeal, and headed to the gym!

Today was another day of leg workouts. Let me tell ya, ouch!!

This is the same exercise plan as the one we did Monday. If you're interested in doing the workouts I definitely encourage you to check out her program. We enjoy it.

We worked hard again today!!! I'm so proud of how dedicated Sacha has been. She is in control of her future. She is determined. She is ready!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Live Fit Day 24

Keeping up with this blog is much harder than I thought it would be while I'm in school. We get up every morning to workout at 6am and then by the time I get back to the house, it's time to get ready for work or class. So, this is something I'm definitely going to have to do in the afternoons. Again, I'll do my best to keep up.

Today Sacha and I did Back and Biceps. 

We worked really hard and honestly we had no motivation to do it. It was one of those days where we were just tired and not in the mood. Also, our eating habits have been a little off the rocker. But, what's one bad day. Tomorrow is a new day and a new chance to work harder! 

Wish us luck as we keep trying!! 8 and a half weeks left to go!! We can do this :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Live Fit Day 22

Okay, I have had several people ask that I continue posting on my blog. So, I'll do my best to keep you all updated while I'm in school. It may not happen every day. But, I'll do it as often as possible!

For the past 22 days Sacha and I have gotten up at 6am and followed Jamie Eason's 12 week training program! Many mornings my sweet Jackson has gone with us and pushed us harder than we thought was possible and several afternoons I've gone back and trained my dear friend Beth!

Jamie provides a nutrition plan, supplement list, and workouts for each day!! We have really enjoyed the program so far. If you're interested in joining us check out her program.

She splits her program into 3 sessions. The first 4 weeks we do alot of hardcore weight training. Then the next 4 weeks, we add in cardio. And the last 4 weeks we "finish it all off".

Each day she provides a different workout plan. And for each workout she suggests, she provides a video to help you understand how to do it. Today we did legs. And let me tell you, I'm already feeling it!

That is basically a run through of what we have been doing the past few weeks. Wish us luck and I hope you follow along. Sacha has already lost 5 more pounds. She is down to 127.. Only 7 more pounds to go!!! I'm so proud!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The End

I know I know.. It's late!! It's Sunday night at 11pm and I am just NOW posting our final blog post for this summer's Bootcamp! My bad!!! :)

Today was a very exciting day!! We took Sacha's final progress picture:

These are her old skinny jeans.. Size 13!
She is now in a size 9, weighs 134, and has lost 16 pounds total. 

I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of her! She is doing great. But, her story doesn't end here. We have decided  to start a new program (this time I'm not in charge!) It is called the Jamie Eason LiveFit 12 week program!! We are super excited about it. She gives you a meal guide, fitness plan, and suggests supplementation!

We start this program bright and early tomorrow! So, tonight we meal prepped! It was actually kind of fun!

We're going to be eating a lot of veggies!! Plus some lean meats. I can't lie, I'm pretty excited to get started!! We'll see how it goes :)

I may or may not blog through most of this process!! We'll see!! Goodnight y'all.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Week 14 Day 3 (abs)

Ladies and Gentleman.. It is officially the last week of Ilona's Intense Bootcamp! Oh my goodness, I can't believe it!! Sacha and I both start school Monday. So, this is it! (Not that this gives us an excuse to stop working out next week, we just won't be doing it together!) 

We started back to Bootcamp Monday. But, for some reason after 2 weeks of not blogging it took me a little bit to get back in the groove of it. We did Ab workouts both Monday and today. So, I'm just going to give you the run through of today's workout...

We did a fitness countdown today. Surprise Surprise!! It's Sacha's favorite!

Before we got started we did 50 Jumping Jacks.

Then, we did:

Partner Leg Lifts

Russian Twists

Flutter Kicks

Bicycle Crunches

Extended Leg Crunches

Here's how we did it:

10 Partner Leg Lifts
10 Russian Twists
10 Flutter Kicks
10 Bicycle Crunches
10 Extended Leg Crunch

9 Partner Leg Lifts
9 Russian Twists
9 Flutter Kicks
9 Bicycle Crunches
9 Extended Leg Crunch

8 Partner Leg Lifts
8 Russian Twists
8 Flutter Kicks
8 Bicycle Crunches
8 Extended Leg Crunch

And so on down to 1.
Then, we did 50 more jumping jacks!!

We worked hard today! I am so excited to finish off this week and review our 14 week program. At the end of the week I will report Sacha's results from Ilona's Intense Bootcamp! Keep an eye out for it!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Week 13

I am literally out of town every single day this week! I left for Levelland, Texas at 6am on Monday morning to help Alyssa and her family move her fiancé and their stuff to their new house! Today we'll be driving home for 12 hours. And tomorrow, I'll leave for the beach at 5am!

So, needless to say, I have not and will not be making a workout plan for Sacha this week. However, that does NOT mean that she's not going to be working out!

I sent her a text this morning to check on her and make sure that she was still working out, and she was! I sent her the picture at the top of this post and told her that she has worked too hard to give up now! But, she's got this under control. She's doing so great! I couldn't be more proud! :)

If you're still planning to workout this week, check one of the past couple of weeks for a workout plan! Keep up the good work y'all. 

Oh, annnnnd it's Alyssa's 21st Birthday y'all! Just thought you should know!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week 12 Day 2 (Legs)

Typically, Tuesdays are rest days. But, this week, I am going to be out of town on Wednesday and Thursday so, we worked out this morning! And lucky for us, today was leg day!

Sacha was sick. So, here's what Shelbi and I did:

We started off with 10 hill sprints for cardio!

Then we did 3 sets of 20 lunges

3 sets of 10 Squat Jumps

3 sets of 1 minute Wall Sits

3 sets of 10 Squats

3 sets of 10 Leg Lifts per leg

And that's it!! Shelbi and I worked really hard this morning! Leg day is not our thing. But, friends don't let friends skip leg day!! :) 

Y'all have a good day!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Week 12 Day 1 (Abs)

Just a heads up... We're probably going to do a massive amount of ab workouts for the next week and a half because next Thursday we are heading to the beach. So, bear with us! :)

Today we did some hill sprints before we started our fitness program. Who doesn't love hill sprints, right?

After our cardio, we started another fitness countdown.
Here's what we did:

Jumping Jacks

Butterfly Crunches

Backward Crunches

Bicycle Crunches

Extended Leg Crunches

And again, if you don't know how it works here's a brief overview:

10 Jumping Jacks
10 Butterfly Crunches
10 Backward Crunches
10 Bicycle Crunches
10 Extended Leg Crunches

9 Jumping Jacks
9 Butterfly Crunches
9 Backward Crunches
9 Bicycle Crunches
9 Extended Leg Crunches

8 Jumping Jacks
8 Butterfly Crunches
8 Backward Crunches
8 Bicycle Crunches
8 Extended Leg Crunches

And continue down to 1. Once you make it down to 1, go back up to 10.
And that's it!! Good Luck! :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Week 11 Day 4 (abs)

Today we had a special guest at Bootcamp. One of our dear friends, Miss Shelbi. 

She has been keeping up with the Bootcamp from home. But, decided it might be easier with a little more motivation. So, she came by and we all worked out together! It was fun! And I tried not to kill them too much :)

After our morning run, we did abs!
We started with 100 Jumping Jacks

3 sets of 20 Backward Crunches

3 sets of 20 Bicycle Crunches (per leg)

3 sets of 20 Flutter Kicks (per leg)

3 sets of 20 Russian Twists (each side)

3 sets of Partner Leg Lifts.
We each did 1min, then 50sec, then 40sec.

And that's it for today!!! My group worked hard! I'm proud! :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Week 11 Day 3 (legs)

Sorry it took so long to post. But, Mom and I headed to Little Rock at 6:45 this morning for an appointment and I left my phone on my night stand. Who knew how rough it would be to go 7 hours without your phone?! It was like torture! 

Since we knew I would be leaving the house at 6:45, we decided to go ahead and start bootcamp by 6. Again.. Torture!

We got up for our morning run and it was still dark outside.. There's just something wrong with running in the dark. I'm just saying! But, we did it!

When we finished our run we did our leg day. I basically just ran back and forth between barking orders and trying to get ready at the same time. So, I'll have to do this workout all over again tonight!

We did 100 Jumping Jacks

3 sets of 15 walking lunges

3 sets of 10 (per leg) squat kicks

3 sets of 10 squat jumps

And 3 sets of 10 leg raises (per leg)
(hold on to something for support if you need it!)

And that's it!! Sacha and Matthew worked hard even though their legs were getting beyond tired! I'm proud!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Week 11 Day 2

So, today is technically suppose to be rest day. But, when I looked back over the past few weeks at all the things I let myself eat and the few pounds that I gained because of it, it decided that today was NOT going to be rest day for me. Its time for me to get back on track! I mean, how am I suppose to train the other girls if I'm slacking off myself? So, with that being said... I got up this morning, and kicked my own booty!

I started with 10 minutes of non stop hill sprints. (When I thought I was going to die, I walked down the hill. But I never stopped moving!)

Then, I did a full body exercise...

I started with 50 Jumping Jacks

Then I did 10 push ups

20 crunches

20 mountain climbers

30 second plank

7 burpees

I repeated this sequence twice and then I did some arm exercises.

I did 10 bicep curls

10 hammer curls

10 table tops

10 tricep extensions

And I repeated those twice. Then, I layed down on my yoga mat and thought I was going to die!!! Haha.