Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Day to Enjoy! :)

Summer is probably my favorite time of year! I really enjoy being able to actually sit down, breathe, and not worry about deadlines or the places I need to go next.
Today was one of those extra good days :)

I got up early and worked out with Mom and Sacha. 
Then, I made us some yummy breakfast..
Thin sliced cinnamon raisin bagels with strawberry cream cheese and sliced strawberries!

Sacha made a motivation board to go on the wall behind her treadmill. I think it was a great idea to keep her motivated while she runs! I'm so proud of her! :)

Oh, and I didn't mention this morning.. But, mom and I added some distance to our run this morning. We are going to go a little farther each day! She's really pushing herself. I'm one proud daughter!!

Anyway, a couple hours later I worked out with Alyssa!
We decided to go layout at the lake after our workout.
It was beautiful. But, the water was WAY too cold!!

So, we layed out on the beach!! :)

Then we came back to the house and watched Safe Haven!!!
I absolutely love that movie. I narrorated most of the last 30 minutes of the movie. But, it was fun!

Then after Alyssa left, I was asked on of the biggest questions of my life...
Ashley(One of my roommates from Freshman year, who now goes to dental hygiene school in Little Rock) asked me to be her Maid of Honor!!! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was. I almost cried. (I would've cried if I hadn't been in the grocery store with Mom)
Of course I said yes! I am honored to be her Maid of Honor!

Later, when we got back home.. I worked out with Matthew(Sacha's Hubby). It was fun! I think he secretly enjoys working out with me. Which makes me happy! Quality time with my Brother in Law.

Sacha cooked dinner. Lemon and Parmesan Tilapia, with broccoli, and beans!
It was yummy!!

Now, I'm relaxing on the couch with Mom. Watching movies, and working on some graduation photos that I took a few weeks ago! 
Couldn't have asked for a more relaxing day!
Loving Life One Day at a Time


1 comment:

  1. thanks Ilona you have been a inspiration to me and many others. I am one proud momma
