Friday, May 31, 2013

Week 3 Day 5 (Abs)

Okay, before we start our workout... here's a random little update on what's going on in my neck of the woods.. Last night, when I got back to Glenwood, I could not make it over the mountain to my house because there was a GINORMOUS tree in the middle of the road and my poor little car would never make it over a tree. So, dad came and helped me cut the branches off the tree. He used his chainsaw to cut branches and I drug them off the mountain. I came home with cuts, bruises, and mud ALL OVER ME! Oh, and I did all of this in sandals and a DRESS! I'm THAT girl... 

Then, when I woke up this morning, the river was super high and nasty looking!!

But, Sacha and I went for a run anyway! Rain or Shine.. we are out there at 6:30AM.
(Poor Alyssa is sick today! I hope she gets to feeling better soon)

Today we did ABS!!!

Exercise 1: Plank
We did 3 sets of 1 minute planks. It was rough. But, it'll be well worth it.

Exercise 2: Flutter Kicks
Lay on back, legs slightly off the floor, alternate kicking legs up and back down.
Do 3 sets of 20 flutter kicks.

Exercise 3: Partner Leg Lifts
Try not to let your legs hit the ground.
We did 3 sets.
Set 1: 1min
Set 2: 30 secs
Set 3: 15 secs

Exercise 4: Bicycle Crunches
We did 3 sets of 40 bicycle crunches.

Exercise 5: Push Ups
We did 3 sets of 10 push ups.

Exercise 6: Backward Crunches
Lay on back, legs bent at 90 degrees, lift booty and legs up and back down.
Do 3 sets of 20 crunches

Exercise 7:  Burpees
We did 3 sets of 5 Burpees.

Exercise 8: Standing Side Crunches
Stand with one hand on hip, other above head, lean to the opposite side to stretch the side muscles and then bring elbow to knee. 
Do 3 sets of 10 crunches per side

Exercise 9:  Tricep Dips
Use something sturdy and dip your body to the ground.
Do 3 sets of 20 dips.

Exercise 10: Arm Circles
Keep your arms at T position.
Make circles forward for 30 seconds and backward for 30 seconds
Do 3 sets per side.

And that's all the exercises we did today!
We focused mainly on abs but incorporated some arm exercises as well.

After our exercises I made breakfast for me, mom, and Sacha. I made eggs with feta, tomatoes, and onions. It was super yummy!
Annnnnd, I drank some coffee out of my I love NY mug. 
I miss New York sometimes.

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