Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week One Finale!

Happy Sunday Everyone!!! :) I hope you've enjoyed your first week of Ilona's Intense Bootcamp! I know we have. All the plans have been made and we are super excited to begin week 2 of 15 on Monday!
As for today, we are just relaxing and enjoying life! 
Yes, that is EXACTLY what it looks like! Breakfast of a champ :) We started a tradition when I went off to college 2 years ago. Since I only saw my family on Sundays, we designated Sunday Mornings as family time! And my dad is probably the best cook in the world. So every week, I look forward to Sunday Morning Breakfast before church!
I guess you could say I cheated today. And I will, EVERY Sunday, for the rest of my life!!! But, I figure breakfast is the most important meal of the day.. May as well go all out! (once a week!)

Anyway, like I said, Sundays are relaxing days for us! And we'll start over again tomorrow! If you'd rather not take a break, do some cardio! Good job, ladies! Keep working hard! We are going to reach our goals! :)

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