Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 3 Day 1 (Legs)

Happy Memorial Day!!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day with family and friends :)

Here is a picture from our Super Fun Family Sunday!

If you find the time today, do something active! Whether its following this exercise program, or going for a swim! Get out and get active! 

This morning mom and I woke up and went for a run (even though her back has been killing her lately!) She has really gone above and beyond to keep up with the program. I'm so proud!! 

Here's a picture from our run this morning! The sky was beautiful.

When we got back from our run, we started by getting caught up on Friday's Oblique workout. Mom has been really busy lately so she hadn't had the chance to catch up yet. But, once we got caught up.. We started Leg Day!

Exercise 1: Lunges.
Do 3 sets of 10 lunges.

Exercise 2: Squats
Do 3 sets of 5 squats.

(We also decided to incorporate arm exercises each day to help build some upper arm strength)

Exercise 3: Arm Circles
Arms at T position. Make small circles with your arms. 30 seconds forward and 30 seconds backward. Do 3 sets.

Exercise 4: Donkey Kicks
On all fours, kick right leg up and back 10 times, and then left leg up and back 10 times. Do 3 sets!

Exercise 5: Wall Sits
Do 3 sets of 30 second wall sits.

Exercise 6: Push Ups
Do 3 sets of 5. (You can do more per set if you want to!)

Exercise 7: Squat Kicks
Stand with feet apart, squat, and as you come up kick one leg up. Alternate legs each time. Do 3 sets of 10(5 per leg).

And that's it!!! Make sure you keep up your clean eating, even during the holidays. It's okay to eat a hot dog for lunch if you and your family are grilling out. But, don't go crazy! Remember, a good diet is VERY important in the weight loss process!! Keep up the good work!

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