Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Week 3 Day 3 (Abs)

Alyssa, Sacha, and I woke up at the crack of dawn to go for our morning run! It's still pretty nice outside at 6:30 in the AM.

{Report on Mom} 
She is still hurting pretty bad and not feeling too great. 
The doctor gave her some steroids to help with her back
 and she is to take it easy for a while.
So, she will be throwing in the towel for the 
next week or so-- Doctor's Orders! :(

Anyway, the 3 of us decided we would workout outside today so we wouldn't get in Mom's way too much. It was actually pretty nice. Our view was absolutely wonderful.

We watched the sun come up over the river! --Totally worth it!

Today was Ab Day

Exercise 1: Backward Crunches

Lay on back, legs up at 90 degrees, arms by sides. Bring booty and legs up and back down. 
Do 3 Sets of 20.

Exercise 2: Burpees
Jump down putting your hands on the floor, kick legs back behind into the push up position. Jump back in toward your hands, and jump up. Do 3 sets of 5.

Exercise 3: V-Ups
Lay on back arms on floor above head. As you bring your legs up to the ceiling, bring arms up toward your legs.
Do 3 sets of 10.

Exercise 4: Russian Twists

Use booty as support, lean back slightly, and lift legs off the floor. Twist your upper body from side to side. Do 3 sets of 30 twists.

Exercise 5: Push Ups
Do 3 sets of 5 push ups. 
(If you can do more per set, feel free to add to them)

Exercise 6: Bicycle Crunches

Lay on back, hands behind head and legs about 6 inches off the ground, bring one knee up to the opposite elbow and rotate.
Do 3 sets of 20.

Exercise 7: Partner Leg Lifts
Either hold on to a partner's legs or grab something sturdy. Bring legs straight up and back down. If using a partner have them push against your legs pretty hard. Do for 35 seconds.

Exercise 8: Tricep Dips

Hold on to something strudy. Dip your body down and back up. Do 3 sets of 20 dips. 
--Tip: The farther out your legs are, the harder it is.

And that's it for today!!!
We focused mainly on our abs. But, we incorporated just a few arm exercises.
Keep working hard and eating a good diet.
Remember: Fruits and Veggies are your friend.


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