Monday, May 13, 2013

Bootcamp in Progress

Today marks the beginning of a very exciting journey! As I've said before, one of my main reasons for starting this blog was to record my sister's journey through a healthier lifestyle.

After lots of planning and organizing we have created what I now like to refer to as Ilona's Intense Bootcamp. It was originally designed to help Sacha reach her goal weight but, it has quickly escalated into much more than that! My best friend has decided to join us to begin toning for her wedding day, and several girls from school have contacted me asking to join in from home.

For those that cannot make it to my living room each day, I will post the workouts that we have done. I will also include some clean eating tips/suggestions, and some fun pictures of our progress.

So, here is to all the girls out there that are determined to reach their goal weight or their ideal figure! We CAN do this. We WILL do this! It just takes time, effort, and the right amount of motivation! Lets go girls!!!

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