Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bootcamp Day 2-

After designing our workout schedule, we have made the decision that Tuesdays will be Sacha's rest days and Saturdays will be my rest days because those are our busiest work days. So, on Sacha's rest days I do independent cardio and, on mine Sacha does independent cardio.

My independent cardio day consisted of a 30 minute run! It was nice to get out and get some fresh air after a full day of cooking and cleaning.

The best thing about today was that my beautiful mother has decided to join the program! She's a little worried that I can't alter the workout program enough to fit her needs. But, she's wrong! She started out today with her own version of independent cardio. She woke up super early and ran/walked about a mile. Everyone has to start somewhere. I'm so excited she has decided to join us!

Since there isn't much to say about our workout schedule from today, I decided to share the motivational picture shown above! Remember ladies and gentleman, "The only thing between you and your goal is YOU!" You can do this. It takes effort. Eat clean, drink lots of water, and keep going! I'm proud of you! :)

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