Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Week 2 Day 3 (Abs)

It was an absolutely beautiful morning to go for a run! I just love watching the sunrise!!

 And some of our precious doggies decided to join us! :)

Anyway, today we decided to change things up just a little bit. It was ab day, and we decided that instead of doing 3 sets before moving on to the next exercise, we would do them all in 3 circuits. So, we did each exercise back to back, and once we finished we started over 3 times! It was actually kind of nice. 

You can do it however you want. Either in circuits or in sets!

We started with the Plank Sequence!
--Regular plank with arms bent 90 degrees, elbows on the floor.
--Arms extended.
--Legs spread shoulder width apart.
--Right leg under left, bent 45 degrees.
--Left leg under right, bent 45 degrees.
Do each plank back to back for 20 seconds each.

Then we did Backward Crunches.
Lay on back with arms by sides, legs up and bent 90 degrees. 
To do the crunch, lift booty and legs off the ground.
Up and Back down is one!
We did 20 in each circuit.

Next we did Burpees!!
Jump down and bring hands to the floor while bending knees.
Kick your legs back behind you.
Jump back in bringing your feet toward your hands.
And jump back up!
We did 5 each time.

Then we did Bicycle Crunches.
Lay on back with legs about 6 inches off the ground, hands behind head.
Bring Right Elbow to Left leg and Left Elbow to Right Leg.
We did 20 Crunches in each set.

Next we did Partner Leg Lifts
Hold on to your partner and lift your legs straight up as far as you can. If you have a partner, have them push your legs down but do not to let your feet hit the ground. If you don't have a partner, hold on to something sturdy and bring your legs up and down slowly without hit the ground.
Lift legs for 30 seconds each set

Then we did Flutter Kicks!
Lay with your legs 6 inches off the ground, arms by sides.
Rotate legs in air for 30 seconds in each set
(Here is a video that might help explain!)

And last we did Butterfly Crunches

Lay with arms out, legs up and spread slightly more than shoulder width apart. 
As you bring your chest up, bring legs and arms together.
Crunch 20 times in each set

That's it!!! Remember, you can either do these exercises in circuits or in sets. If you do sets, do 3 sets resting a few seconds before each set. If you do Circuits, do one set before moving on to the next exercise and when you've done them all, start over until you've done each 3 times!
Good Luck and Enjoy!

(That's what people
 like to call me!)

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