Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week 12 Day 2 (Legs)

Typically, Tuesdays are rest days. But, this week, I am going to be out of town on Wednesday and Thursday so, we worked out this morning! And lucky for us, today was leg day!

Sacha was sick. So, here's what Shelbi and I did:

We started off with 10 hill sprints for cardio!

Then we did 3 sets of 20 lunges

3 sets of 10 Squat Jumps

3 sets of 1 minute Wall Sits

3 sets of 10 Squats

3 sets of 10 Leg Lifts per leg

And that's it!! Shelbi and I worked really hard this morning! Leg day is not our thing. But, friends don't let friends skip leg day!! :) 

Y'all have a good day!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Week 12 Day 1 (Abs)

Just a heads up... We're probably going to do a massive amount of ab workouts for the next week and a half because next Thursday we are heading to the beach. So, bear with us! :)

Today we did some hill sprints before we started our fitness program. Who doesn't love hill sprints, right?

After our cardio, we started another fitness countdown.
Here's what we did:

Jumping Jacks

Butterfly Crunches

Backward Crunches

Bicycle Crunches

Extended Leg Crunches

And again, if you don't know how it works here's a brief overview:

10 Jumping Jacks
10 Butterfly Crunches
10 Backward Crunches
10 Bicycle Crunches
10 Extended Leg Crunches

9 Jumping Jacks
9 Butterfly Crunches
9 Backward Crunches
9 Bicycle Crunches
9 Extended Leg Crunches

8 Jumping Jacks
8 Butterfly Crunches
8 Backward Crunches
8 Bicycle Crunches
8 Extended Leg Crunches

And continue down to 1. Once you make it down to 1, go back up to 10.
And that's it!! Good Luck! :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Week 11 Day 4 (abs)

Today we had a special guest at Bootcamp. One of our dear friends, Miss Shelbi. 

She has been keeping up with the Bootcamp from home. But, decided it might be easier with a little more motivation. So, she came by and we all worked out together! It was fun! And I tried not to kill them too much :)

After our morning run, we did abs!
We started with 100 Jumping Jacks

3 sets of 20 Backward Crunches

3 sets of 20 Bicycle Crunches (per leg)

3 sets of 20 Flutter Kicks (per leg)

3 sets of 20 Russian Twists (each side)

3 sets of Partner Leg Lifts.
We each did 1min, then 50sec, then 40sec.

And that's it for today!!! My group worked hard! I'm proud! :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Week 11 Day 3 (legs)

Sorry it took so long to post. But, Mom and I headed to Little Rock at 6:45 this morning for an appointment and I left my phone on my night stand. Who knew how rough it would be to go 7 hours without your phone?! It was like torture! 

Since we knew I would be leaving the house at 6:45, we decided to go ahead and start bootcamp by 6. Again.. Torture!

We got up for our morning run and it was still dark outside.. There's just something wrong with running in the dark. I'm just saying! But, we did it!

When we finished our run we did our leg day. I basically just ran back and forth between barking orders and trying to get ready at the same time. So, I'll have to do this workout all over again tonight!

We did 100 Jumping Jacks

3 sets of 15 walking lunges

3 sets of 10 (per leg) squat kicks

3 sets of 10 squat jumps

And 3 sets of 10 leg raises (per leg)
(hold on to something for support if you need it!)

And that's it!! Sacha and Matthew worked hard even though their legs were getting beyond tired! I'm proud!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Week 11 Day 2

So, today is technically suppose to be rest day. But, when I looked back over the past few weeks at all the things I let myself eat and the few pounds that I gained because of it, it decided that today was NOT going to be rest day for me. Its time for me to get back on track! I mean, how am I suppose to train the other girls if I'm slacking off myself? So, with that being said... I got up this morning, and kicked my own booty!

I started with 10 minutes of non stop hill sprints. (When I thought I was going to die, I walked down the hill. But I never stopped moving!)

Then, I did a full body exercise...

I started with 50 Jumping Jacks

Then I did 10 push ups

20 crunches

20 mountain climbers

30 second plank

7 burpees

I repeated this sequence twice and then I did some arm exercises.

I did 10 bicep curls

10 hammer curls

10 table tops

10 tricep extensions

And I repeated those twice. Then, I layed down on my yoga mat and thought I was going to die!!! Haha.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 11 Day 1 (abs)

Is anyone else just completely in shock by the fact that we are starting week 11 today? It's bizarre to me! We have five weeks of Bootcamp left before we start school. 5 weeks to finish up! 5 weeks to reach Sacha's goal. Man!! Part of me is seriously in shock, but the other part of me is beyond excited! It almost makes me want to work 10 times harder!! We can do this!!!

Alyssa and I are finally back in Arkansas. So, this morning we woke up and we joined Sacha and Matthew at Bootcamp! We all ran our mile outside. And then we got started.

Here's what we did:

Jumping Jacks

Extended Leg Crunches

Russian Twists

Flutter Kicks

And of course we did the countdown again. It's Sacha's favorite! If you prefer to do it in reps instead, you can do 3 sets of 25 each. But, we did

10 Jumping Jacks
10 Extended Leg Crunches
10 Russian Twist per side
10 Flutter Kicks per leg

9 Jumping Jacks
9 Extended Leg Crunches
9 Russian Twist per side
9 Flutter Kicks per leg

8 Jumping Jacks
8 Extended Leg Crunches
8 Russian Twist per side
8 Flutter Kicks per leg

And so on down to 1 and back up to 10! It wasn't quite as intense as I had hoped starting back. But, trust me.. It'll get much more intense the next few days! 

Y'all have a good day! :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Week 10 Day 4 (abs)

Well, after a week of pure dedication.. Alyssa and I accidentally over slept. Apparently this week has really taken a toll on us. We were exhausted this morning! But, even though Alyssa and I didn't get up and do our morning workout.. 20 hours away, Sacha and Angeline worked hard! I'm very proud of them. 

They started with a morning run and sent me a picture for proof!!

Then they did the "fitness countdown".
Here's what they did:

Jumping Jacks


Russian Twists

Flutter Kicks

And here's how:

10 Jumping Jacks
10 Burpees
10 Russian Twists
10 Flutter Kicks

9 Jumping Jacks
9 Burpees
9 Russian Twists
9 Flutter Kicks

8 Jumping Jacks
8 Burpees
8 Russian Twists
8 Flutter Kicks

7 Jumping Jacks
7 Burpees
7 Russian Twists
7 Flutter Kicks

And so on, until they got down to 1! Then, back up to 10! 

They worked hard today!! I'm so proud of them!! Now.. I've gotta get going. We're heading to Crazy Horse, Rushmore, and Custer State Park this morning!! Y'all have a lovely day :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Week 10 Day 3 (legs)

Another great morning for Cardio in South Dakota and Arkansas! Alyssa and I woke up and went back to the river walk trail that we have been running each morning. Except today, we appreciated it just a little bit more. We discovered yesterday that the spot we have started at each morning was actually the geographical center of the nation! No wonder there was a flag for each of the 50 states! We were pretty oblivious for the first few days!

This morning, we decided to do hill sprints to change things up just a little bit. And, in Arkansas, Sacha ran a mile on her treadmill. She texted me this morning and told me she was lonely and ready for us to come home!

When Alyssa and I finished cardio, we walked to the coffee shop again. And when Sacha finished, she did Bootcamp!

Here are her exercises:

Jumping Jacks

Squat Kicks


Wall Sits

Here's how it works:

10 Jumping Jacks
10 Squat Kicks per leg
10 Lunges per leg
100 second Wall Sits

9 Jumping Jacks
9 Squat Kicks per leg
9 Lunges per leg
90 second Wall Sits

8 Jumping Jacks
8 Squat Kicks per leg
8 Lunges per leg
80 second Wall Sits

7 Jumping Jacks
7 Squat Kicks per leg
7 Lunges per leg
70 second Wall Sits

And so on, down to one. Once you're down to one, go back up to 10! 

Good Luck! Y'all have a wonderful day! We are heading to Sturgis to prepare for tonight's block party! Pray for us! We are all tired, but excited to see God work!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Week 10 Day 2

It's Tuesday!!! In Glenwood that means its rest day. But, here in Belle Fourche, we don't rest! 

Alyssa and I have been searching for a coffee shop all week that we could stop at in the morning after our morning run. But, it wasn't until last night that we discovered there was one not even 2 blocks away! Apparently we kept running right past it without noticing it. So, this morning although technically it was rest day, we decided to get up and go anyway! We walked the same path that we've been running the past few days and this time we went into the coffee shop. We were so excited and that little coffee house was so cute!

We were so glad we found it! It was such a wonderful idea! Now, we are beyond ready to start canvassing again! Pray for us as we start reaching the people of Belle Fourche! Y'all have a wonderful day!! :)