Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 11 Day 1 (abs)

Is anyone else just completely in shock by the fact that we are starting week 11 today? It's bizarre to me! We have five weeks of Bootcamp left before we start school. 5 weeks to finish up! 5 weeks to reach Sacha's goal. Man!! Part of me is seriously in shock, but the other part of me is beyond excited! It almost makes me want to work 10 times harder!! We can do this!!!

Alyssa and I are finally back in Arkansas. So, this morning we woke up and we joined Sacha and Matthew at Bootcamp! We all ran our mile outside. And then we got started.

Here's what we did:

Jumping Jacks

Extended Leg Crunches

Russian Twists

Flutter Kicks

And of course we did the countdown again. It's Sacha's favorite! If you prefer to do it in reps instead, you can do 3 sets of 25 each. But, we did

10 Jumping Jacks
10 Extended Leg Crunches
10 Russian Twist per side
10 Flutter Kicks per leg

9 Jumping Jacks
9 Extended Leg Crunches
9 Russian Twist per side
9 Flutter Kicks per leg

8 Jumping Jacks
8 Extended Leg Crunches
8 Russian Twist per side
8 Flutter Kicks per leg

And so on down to 1 and back up to 10! It wasn't quite as intense as I had hoped starting back. But, trust me.. It'll get much more intense the next few days! 

Y'all have a good day! :)

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