Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 8 Day 1 (Abs)

I can't believe it's already Week 8 Day 1. 

It still feels like we barely got started! But, we were excited to get up and get started this morning!!

Of course, we started out with fifteen minutes of cardio. Then, we got started with Bootcamp.

We tried something different today. We are calling it "fitness countdown". The way it works is we pick four exercises. We begin by doing each exercise ten times, then nine, then eight... Etc. once we got down to one, we started again counting back up to ten.

Here's what we did:

Exercise one: Jumping Jacks

Exercise two: Bicycle Crunches 

Exercise three: Toe Tap Crunches
Basically you crunch up getting your hands as close to your toes as possible.

Exercise four: Russian Twists

We did each number set (10,9,8...etc.) back to back without stopping. We allowed ourselves a 10 second break before moving on to the next number when we needed it.

And that's it for today! Good Luck and I hope you enjoy it! If you didn't sweat you didn't do it right. 

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