Friday, July 5, 2013

Week 8 Day 5 (Fun Friday)

I honestly don't remember the last time I got to sleep past 6:30 in the morning. But, today, for some reason, Sacha and I decided to sleep in just a little bit.  I couldn't complain... I was totally okay with catching up on some sleep.

I mean, yesterday was a big day!! After spending the morning with Jackson, Ashley, and Royce, I worked at the video store until 10pm. So I was pretty tired when I finally made it home. And Sacha, well.. I'm pretty sure she didn't make it home until after midnight!

Check out our cute little 4th of July collage. The BOYS made that fruit pizza all by themselves. They are so creative! 

When we woke up, we started Fun Friday! Today, we chose to do Wii Fit Yoga! It was pretty entertaining if you ask me! But, we had a good time with it. So, that's all that counts.

Now that we are done with our workout its time to get ready for yet another night at work! I can't tell you how ready I am for everyone to get back from Vacation! I really like just working 18hrs per week. This whole 36hrs per week thing is killing me! Yes, I know.. it could be worse... But, it summer!!!! Bahhh.

Ya'll have a wonderful day!! :)


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