Sunday, June 30, 2013

Super Sunny Sunday

Before I start telling you all about my Super Intense Sunday... I just want to brag for a few minutes!

LOOK at my sister!!! The first 2 pictures are her 3 months ago. And the last 2 are from this morning. She has lost 17 of the 30 pounds that she is planning to lose. She is only 13 pounds away from her goal weight. I couldn't tell you just how proud I am of her. It has been a tough 7 weeks of bootcamp and I know that each day has been a new struggle. But, she has worked hard and she is over halfway there. 
You go Sacha!!! :)

Okay, so as usual, I woke up to Sunday Morning Breakfast!! Eggs, Bacon, Toast with Jelly, and potatoes!! Yup, it was yummy!!! :)

Then, I got ready for church!

After church, I got headed to Arkadelphia to meet Jackson. He took me to Little Rock to climb Pinnacle Mountain. It was a first for both of us. We loved it! 
We hiked the Ouachita Trail up the East Summit. I don't know if you can read the sign. But, it says:
Blaze Color: Red/White
Distance: 1 1/2 Mile Roundtrip
Approx. Hike Time: 2 hours

It was the most intense hike I have EVER done. 
We basically climbed a giant cliff of boulders.

Here's a collage of some of the pictures we took on the way up the mountain. I took about 5,000 so, I figured I would save you some time and put several pictures into one.

Notice we still look pretty happy trying to climb up this crazy mountain...

Once we got to the top, we had to take a load off and enjoy the view for a while. We were exhausted!!!
Annnnnd... our chacos matched! :)

Then we took about a billion more pictures at the top of the mountain!

I mean... It was beautiful. You can never have too many pictures of a beautiful experience!

Just look at that view!! I could have stayed up there all day! Mainly because I was exhausted from climbing up the mountain... But, also because I couldn't have imagined a more beautiful view. God really was showing off up there! Amazing!!!

And here we are back down at the bottom.... As you can see, we were so tired!! It was a rough climb. But, I am so glad we did it. It was an incredible experience. 

Then, when I got home... I was rewarded with homemade tacos! Yup... I'm spoiled ;)

Yall have a wonderful night! 
I've gotta get some sleep. 
Goodnight!! :)


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Super Saturday

Normally I really dread Saturdays! It's always the same thing.. I spend 12 hours holding down the fort at the video store and planning the following week's workout schedule. But, today has been a little different!

I woke up and forced myself to get out of bed and do something active! (Even though I really wanted to sleep in just a little bit longer today!)

 After I stretched, I ran Hill Sprints behind my house. Down to the river and back up to the house! It was rough. But, I did it for about 30 minutes before I felt like my legs were literally going to fall off my body!

Then, I went inside, took a shower and got ready for work. Dad made Sunday morning breakfast (On a SATURDAY!!) I wonder if he knows... I'm not complaining though! :)

And, now I'm at work... About to start planning the workout schedule!

Y'all have a great Saturday!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Week 7 Day 5 (Fun Friday)

It's FUN FRIDAY agian!!!!

Sacha and I did Just Dance on the Wii today!

Its been FOREVER since we last played Just Dance and, I really wanted to keep doing something different each week so it would keep things interesting. So, we got up at 6:30am and just danced for an hour! :)

If you don't own Just Dance or anything similar, choose one of the workouts from earlier this week, or previous weeks. Just make sure you are doing something active for at least an hour today! Keep working hard. Keep pushing yourself. 
You can do it. 
You can reach your goals. 
You just have to work hard!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Week 7 Day 4 (Abs)

Sacha and I were both out pretty late last night. So, before we went to bed we decided we would sleep in until 7:45 this morning and start our bootcamp by 8am. 

Although we were well rested, getting up and going for a run at 8am was a bad idea. It was ALREADY about 85 degrees outside and that is just way too hot for me. I was seriously melting out there. But, we were determined to finish our run. So, regardless of the blazing heat.. we ran our little hearts out!

After our morning run, we started Ab Day! It seems like we are always doing abs. But, ya know... whatever works I guess.

Exercise 1: Jumping Jacks
Yes, 100 jumping jacks to start.
(we'll probably do this forever)

Exercise 2: "Alyssa's Booty Exercise"
Alyssa sent me a video to watch last week and these booty exercises are intense. I keep meaning to incorporate them into the workout plan, but I kept forgetting. So, we threw it in today! (While Alyssa was out of town. LUCKY!)

We did these for 1 minute on each side. It was intense.

Exercise 3: Bicycle Crunches
3 sets of 20 crunches to each side.

Exercise 4: Russian Twists
3 sets of 20 twists

Exercise 5: Burpees
3 sets of 5 Burpees

Exercise 6: Butterfly Crunches
3 sets of 10 crunches

Exercise 7: Flutter Kicks
3 sets of 20 flutters- Alternating
(bring each leg up and back down 20 times)

Exercise 8: Jumping Jacks
100 more jumping jacks!

And that was our morning workout! Sacha did a great job pushing through the pain. She kept going even though she wanted to quit. I'm definitely super proud of her.
I hope you're doing great as well. Keep up the good work!!


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Week 7 Day 3 (Abs and Legs)

Today was a rough morning! We worked hard!!

I designed the workout before I knew Alyssa was going to be out of town. But, no worries because Sacha had already invited our friend David Lee to come workout with us. So, it worked out perfectly! 

Here's our little Before and After picture!

Exercise 1: Jumping Jacks
100 jumping jacks to start off the workout!

Exercise 2: Lunges
3 sets of 10 walking lunges.

Exercise 3: Squat Kicks
3 sets of 10 kicks per leg (alternate each time)

Exercise 4: Wall Sits
3 sets of 1 minute wall sits

Exercise 5: Donkey Kicks
3 sets of 10 kicks per leg
Do all 10 before switching sides.

Exercise 6: Partner Leg Lifts
Each person did 1 minute leg lifts.

Exercise 7: Burpees
3 sets of 5 Burpees

Exercise 8: Russian Twists
3 sets of 20 twists

Exercise 9: Jumping Jacks
100 more to end our workout!

And that was it! I'm pretty tired now. I could take a nap!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Week 7 Day 2 (Rest Day/Bridal Portraits)

Since its Tuesday, we got to rest today! And while we were resting, we took Alyssa's Bridal portraits!

After breakfast, we went to Kita's Kurlz to get all fixed up! Sacha did such a great job.

Then, we spent the next few hours taking pictures!! :)

I really want to post a picture because she look absolutely beautiful... But, Alyssa would kill me. So, you're just gunna have to wait until September to see for yourself!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 7 Day (abs)

It was hard to get up and workout this morning! But, we did it! Alyssa and I went for a run while Sacha ran on her treadmill (like always!) :)

After our morning run, we started our workout!

Exercise 1: Jumping Jacks
100 jumping jacks!

Exercise 2: Partner Leg Lifts
Each person did leg lifts for 1 minute.

Exercise 3: Push Ups
3 sets of 10 push ups.

Exercise 4: Russian Twists
3 sets of 20 twists.

Exercise 5: Burpees
3 sets of 5 Burpees

Exercise 6: Bicycle Crunches
3 sets of 20 Bicycle Crunches.

Exercise 7: Butterfly Crunches
3 sets of 10 butterfly crunches.

Exercise 8: Jumping Jacks
And we did 100 more jumping jacks!

That's it! That was our morning session! Now.. Alyssa, me, and the rest of the bridesmaids are heading to Little Rock to buy bridesmaid dresses! I'm so excited! Her wedding is only 2 months away! :)

Bridesmaid Day (Nalley Wedding)

After morning workout, I went to Alyssa's house for breakfast!!

She made biscuits, gravy, eggs, turkey bacon, and we also had cantaloupe! It was yummy!

After breakfast we headed to hot springs to pick up one of the bridesmaids and also to stop for some cupcakes!

We each tried a different flavor! And, boy were they yummy!! :)

Then, we took off toward little rock!

And we found bridesmaid dresses!!!

We had so much fun! And our dresses were perfect :)

Oh, and don't forget about all the food we ate today...

On the left: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. And on the right: snacks! 
We may have gone a little crazy. But it was delicious!

All in all, it was a wonderful day!! :)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday Semi-Funday

What a day...

It started out great! Ya know, the usual..
Sunday Morning Breakfast with the family before church.

Then, after church, I took off to Texarkana to see Jackson before he had to go to work.

Mom had to make sure I made it there without starving or getting dehydrated. So, she sent grapes and water! Thanks Mom!

Then, when I finally made it to Texarkana, I got to spend a few hours with this handsome guy!

We "popped some tags" today!! :)

Jack got some new boots!

Annnnd he bought me a Rangers T-Shirt! 
(We have a reason.. But, I will share that with you in a few weeks!)

Oh, Annnnnd we got to spend a little bit of time with these lovely people!
Ashley and Royce!!!
Ash was one of my roommates my freshman year at HSU and Royce was one of Jackson's roommates! We had a good time together today! We all went to the Cold Stone and shared some yummy ice cream and then they went shopping with us! It was great!

I love this girl so much!!!

Then, to end our date.. Jack and I got matching shaved ice! He got "Skrawbewwy" and I got "Skrawbewwy Cheesecake"... Apparently that's the way alot of his customers say it! Either way, it was delicious!

And then... I tried to go home. I made it ALL the way from Texarkana to the very middle of nowhere (nearly 30 minutes from my house) before my tire blew!!! Which normally would not be a big deal. I'm a big girl.. I can change a tire (I took driver's ed, I mean, come on!) BUT.. the wrench that goes with my jack was messed up. So, even if I wanted to change the tire in the middle of nowhere, I couldn't. 

So, what does any other normal girl do when she has a flat tire? She calls her D...... MOM! But, lucky me.. in the middle of nowhere there is no cell phone service!! Soooo... I cried! Yes, I admit it.. I cried! Thankfully, I only had to stand there and cry for about 2 minutes before God felt sorry for me :) 

All of a sudden this super sweet family, traveling from New Mexico, pulls over and asks me if I need help. I tell them what happened and they use their OnStar to call my momma, which still didn't work, and then offered to give me a ride home.

Then, my dad came to the rescue(like he does QUITE often)! :)
We headed to my car and tried to change that stinking tire. But, we ran into issue after issue preventing us from getting it fixed. Finally, 2 and a half hours later.. the tire was changed and we headed home!

Once we got home, Dad went to bed! Poor guy has to be up at 4am for work. And then Mom, Sacha, and I watched a new movie... the Call, with Halle Berry in it. We really liked it.

Anyway... by now its WAY past my bedtime. And I have another long day ahead of me tomorrow so I have got to get some sleep! Goodnight!
