Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Funday

I swear, Sundays are my favorite day of the week! I just love Sundays so much!

This morning, after scarfing down Sunday Morning breakfast (before I could even take a picture of it) I headed to Texarkana to see Jackson!

We only had a few hours together today because he actually had to work tonight. So, we decided to go to Lewisville to see his sweet family! We stopped by his childhood best friend's wedding shower, and then we decided to go to lunch!

We ate at Burges! It was such a cute little restaurant in Lewisville. It was actually the ONLY restaurant open in Lewisville. But, it was soooo good! We may or may not have both eaten a big juicy delicious cheeseburger! Again, no picture.. So, no proof! :)

When we finished our lunch, we drove back to Texarkana so Jack could make it to work on time! But, of course, before he went in to work, he got me a shaved ice!!!
It was super yummy! Dreamsicle is my absolute favorite! And Jack is so sweet for getting me some for my ride home.

Then.. I left Texarkana and came back to Arkansas!
(This sign always trips me up! It feels so weird to think I wasn't actually in Arkansas!)

But, anyway.. I drove and drove and drove until I got to Arkadelphia!
I've been in my car WAY too much today! But, I'm finally home and I'm going to spend the rest of the night relaxing and watching movies! Yup! That's the plan!

I hope you've all had a wonderful Sunday! Goodnight! :)

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