Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Funday (Father's Day)

I want to start tonight's blog post by saying Happy Father's Day! I know that I am truly blessed when I look at these two men. I could not have chosen better men to guide me through this crazy thing called life. I have two absolutely wonderful dads!

Daddy, Papa, Hero, First Love!
There are so many words to describe this man. And, I could not be luckier to be his little girl. Some days I catch myself being so sad that I live half way around the world from him. And other days I remember how, in a way, that makes me very lucky. I may very well be the ONLY girl that has NEVER been mad at her dad. He never yells at me, gets disappointed in me, or sends me to my room. I have had nothing but GOOD moments with my daddy! We always have fun together, he always makes me laugh. But, I only see him once a year! Regardless of the time and distance separating us though, I love this man as big as the moon! He is my Papa! :)

My Daddio, My Rock, My Hero, My Dad.
So, again.. I am probably the luckiest girl on the face of the planet! I couldn't be more thankful for this man! He has loved me, cared for me, and guided me through some of the most important years of my life. Without him, I don't know where I'd be. I will forever be grateful for his love and support. He has been a wonderful example of a husband and I can only hope that one day my husband will love me as much as this man loves my mother! I am blessed beyond measure!

Now... On to Sunday Funday!!

We had a crazy fun day!

I woke up early to cook breakfast for Dad. Mom was my assistant (Which really means really she did most of the complicated work, and I took all the credit!) Aren't I sweet?

After Sunday Morning Breakfast, Reesie helped me get ready!

Them mom and I went to Church! :)

After church, JACKSON came over and we all went down to the river for some family time!

After a long day on the river, we finally went back up to the house and had dinner. Dad grilled some steaks and made some delicious potato salad and of course some baked beans. It was all wonderful.

Oh, and don't forget the cheesecake. WHY?! Why would you even have cheesecake in this house... who can resist cheesecake????

Now, after a long day filled with family and friends I am finally relaxing and getting ready for bed! Its already very late and we are getting up at 6:30 to start week 6 of Bootcamp. This week we are going HARD! I'm excited to get started! Goodnight. I'll see you bright and early!


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