Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday Semi-Funday

What a day...

It started out great! Ya know, the usual..
Sunday Morning Breakfast with the family before church.

Then, after church, I took off to Texarkana to see Jackson before he had to go to work.

Mom had to make sure I made it there without starving or getting dehydrated. So, she sent grapes and water! Thanks Mom!

Then, when I finally made it to Texarkana, I got to spend a few hours with this handsome guy!

We "popped some tags" today!! :)

Jack got some new boots!

Annnnd he bought me a Rangers T-Shirt! 
(We have a reason.. But, I will share that with you in a few weeks!)

Oh, Annnnnd we got to spend a little bit of time with these lovely people!
Ashley and Royce!!!
Ash was one of my roommates my freshman year at HSU and Royce was one of Jackson's roommates! We had a good time together today! We all went to the Cold Stone and shared some yummy ice cream and then they went shopping with us! It was great!

I love this girl so much!!!

Then, to end our date.. Jack and I got matching shaved ice! He got "Skrawbewwy" and I got "Skrawbewwy Cheesecake"... Apparently that's the way alot of his customers say it! Either way, it was delicious!

And then... I tried to go home. I made it ALL the way from Texarkana to the very middle of nowhere (nearly 30 minutes from my house) before my tire blew!!! Which normally would not be a big deal. I'm a big girl.. I can change a tire (I took driver's ed, I mean, come on!) BUT.. the wrench that goes with my jack was messed up. So, even if I wanted to change the tire in the middle of nowhere, I couldn't. 

So, what does any other normal girl do when she has a flat tire? She calls her D...... MOM! But, lucky me.. in the middle of nowhere there is no cell phone service!! Soooo... I cried! Yes, I admit it.. I cried! Thankfully, I only had to stand there and cry for about 2 minutes before God felt sorry for me :) 

All of a sudden this super sweet family, traveling from New Mexico, pulls over and asks me if I need help. I tell them what happened and they use their OnStar to call my momma, which still didn't work, and then offered to give me a ride home.

Then, my dad came to the rescue(like he does QUITE often)! :)
We headed to my car and tried to change that stinking tire. But, we ran into issue after issue preventing us from getting it fixed. Finally, 2 and a half hours later.. the tire was changed and we headed home!

Once we got home, Dad went to bed! Poor guy has to be up at 4am for work. And then Mom, Sacha, and I watched a new movie... the Call, with Halle Berry in it. We really liked it.

Anyway... by now its WAY past my bedtime. And I have another long day ahead of me tomorrow so I have got to get some sleep! Goodnight!


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