Saturday, June 1, 2013

Preparing for Week 4-

Well, I went to bed last night with the intention of waking up at 6:30 and going for a run before I got ready for work. But, I'm kind of an idiot and I set my alarm to go off on week days instead of weekends. So, it didn't go off and I woke up at 8! No run for me today.

In a way, I was kind of glad I didn't. The weather is horrible again today!
It has been storming since 9AM!!

Since technically it's my rest day, I don't feel too bad about not working out today! I mean, you are suppose to rest on your REST day, right?!

Anyway, I have designed next week's workout schedule and we have decided to try something new:
FUN FRIDAY!! (This doesn't mean we aren't working out. It just means we are going to do it in a fun way!)

This week we are doing Zumba! Now, I am NO Zumba instructor. But, it should be interesting! I'm pretty excited about this week! :)

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