Sunday, June 2, 2013

Super Fun Sunday

Wow! What a day!! I know it's late.. Most of you probably won't read this until tomorrow. But, I've had such a fun day! I've been soooo busy!

Here's what happened: 
I woke up early to the smell of bacon. Yum!!
Like I've said before.. Sunday Morning Breakfast is the BEST!! We had eggs, bacon, and toast! It was wonderful.

Then, I got all dressed up and went to church!

After church, I headed to Texarkana to see Jackson! 

--Confession Time: I am the girl who spends more time looking up at the sky than down at the road while I drive! So, beware if you see me on the road :P

It was just an absolutely beautiful day. I couldn't help myself!

When I got to Texarkana, we started by helping his momma move! Which basically means Jack helped load things onto the trailer and I mainly supervised and talked! 

Then, Jack took me to Red Lobster!! I know, I have it rough! ;)
After we ate.. We went to a precious little place called Southern Tropics! (Jack has a summer job there!) It's a shaved ice stand. Which is completely different than a snow cone stand! It's pretty much the best thing since sliced bread! :)

Now, Jackson is not an ordinary boyfriend. He didn't just buy me shaved ice.. He also got me a super cute Southern Tropics tank!
Yup!! He's the best!!

Then, we went to Summerhill Park to eat our shaved ice! It is absolutely beautiful!!
Breathtaking, right? Can you see the rainbow in the fountain?

It was so pretty today that I got a little carried away with pictures. I even made Jack take a really cheesy one..
See the heart we made? I thought it was cute!! :)

Oh, and then I'm pretty sure this is illegal:
But, it was so sweet. So, I took a picture!!

When we left the park, we met some friends at the movies!! We watched Do You See Me Now! It wax GREAT!! If you haven't seen it yet, you should! We loved it!

When we left the movies, Jack bought me some Starbucks Coffee (shame on him) to help me stay awake on my long drive back to Glenwood! He's so sweet!

So, that was Super Fun Sunday for ya!! Thanks for checking out my blog! Check back in just a few hours for Week 4 Day 1.. We start bright and early! Goodnight!

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